There is every possible type of regional Blackjack game variant on offer to you at most Bitcoin accepting online and mobile casino sites, but in this guide, I want to introduce a unique variant that goes by the name of Atlantic City Blackjack.
Below I will enlighten you on the many differences regarding the game playing and betting and playing decisions both you and the dealer can make when playing Atlantic City Blackjack, which has a reasonable house edge when you play it perfectly of just 0.36% .
Please do compare all the following playing rules and the design of the Atlantic City Blackjack game with some of the additional games I have reviewed throughout this website, for if this one does not appeal to you there are bound to be plenty of other ones that will.
The one aspect of this game that you do need to understand is that it is certified as being random, and with eight full decks in the shoe, all of which are shuffled before you put a new game into live play, you will always have a fair chance of winning no matter where you choose to play it online.
Your two initial cards will be dealt out facing upwards when you are playing the Atlantic City Blackjack game, but the dealer will deal one up facing and one down facing card to his hand and he is going to peek at the downfacing card if he could form a Blackjack hand.
What you are going to be able to do if and when you set about playing this Blackjack game is double down your hand once you have received your two initial cards, no matter what the value of those cards are you can buy another one for your initial stake, but when you do no other cards are dealt out to your hand.
If, when you have been dealt out your initial two cards when playing the Atlantic City Blackjack game your two cards are a pair, such as a pair of kings or fours, then you do have the ability and option of splitting them up to form two new hands.
When you do split a pair there are some additional rules that come into play, and as such you can double after splitting a pair of cards when playing this game and you can also re-split a hand up to three times to form four new hands, but you cannot re-split Aces and you cannot hit split Aces.
There is also going to be the option for players to take late surrender when playing Microgaming’s Atlantic City Blackjack game. That option lets you give up your hand if you think it has no chance of winning, and when you do make use of it you will get half of the stake money that you have placed on that hand paid back to you. But only take late surrender when that is the correct strategy!